Architects, Graduates /PPE Candidates and Firms in Good Standing 2023
In exercise of the powers conferred on the Architects Registration Council by the Architects Act, 1969 (NLCD 357), the following listed Architects and Firms in Good Standing, and thus legally permitted to work in Ghana, are presented for the information of all Government Ministries / Departments, Parastatals, Metropolitan / Municipal / District Assemblies, Public / Private Corporate Bodies, Employers and the General Public.
It is a punishable offence under the Architects Act (1969) for a person working or carrying on a business in Ghana and not being an Architect registered under the Act to use or cause to use, or permit to be used in connection with his name under which he carries on the work or business, the word “Architect”. “Architecture” or “Architectural” or any words, initials, or abbreviation of words intended to cause or which may reasonably cause a person to believe that the person using the name is an Architect. Roadside or building signage using any of these words is included in this category of offence.